IX TAOK rogaine will be held in a traditional format. There will be 40 controls in the forest, point values varying from 2 to 5. The shortest beeline distance between all controls is shorter than at the last two years. The strongest teams may attempt to take all controls. As the course-setter I have estimated that competitors will not be able to do that, but you may prove that I was wrong.
I believe that course planning will present a nice challenge. I hope that the course will require some strategic decisions as regards in which parts of the terrain to go, which compromises to make between the value points and distance to be covered. It may turn out that the high value points collected in the first part of the route will lead to giving up even higher value points before the control time. The event center will be located fairly in the center of the map, so there is an option to visit the event center during the race without having to give up too many value points.
The terrain is currently in nice autumn colors. The terrain is divided into two different parts. Northern part of the terrain presents good navigational challenges, complex contours and several marshes, passability varies, but is mainly good or average. In this part the rogaining map is based on orienteering maps. The map is generalized, but rather reliable. In the southern part of the terrain there are predominantly well visible and passable coniferous forests by the Koiva (Gauja) river. There is a good path/ride network and some streams and ditches. In this part of the terrain there are much less details and the rogaining map is based on the Estonian base map. You should take into account that in this part of the terrain the map is less accurate. Contour lines characterizing land forms are often quite generalized and not very reliable. For this reason, controls in this part of the terrain are placed on more obvious and simple features.
Most of the marshes are wet, but nothing particular. I believe that most of the teams will not get wet more than by ankle. But there are some flooded marshes and wide streams and ditches, which are difficult to cross and if you decide to cross them just anywhere, that could mean swimming. However, in most of the cases you will find crossing points – beaver dam or fallen trees – within some hundred meters.
The terrain is divided by the Valga-Võru road. There is some traffic on this road, so be careful when crossing or running by the road.
Course setter
Tõnis Erm