Lauri Leppik

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Pärast võistlust kirjutasin peakorraldajale kriitikana kolmest asjast:
1) The WRC2019 organisers shall produce a result list which complies with the IRF rule C17. The results currently published do not comply with several aspects of this rule. I realise that this is a shortoming arising from the result software used by the organisers.
2) I regret that at the prize-giving only team names were announced, albeit the team names are not a mandatory element of the WRC result list and not a sufficient identifier of a team, while the team member’ names and country were not publicly announced.
3) Another aspect that several podium teams regretted was that medals were awarded only in Open category, but not in Youth and Veteran (+SV and UV) categories.

IRF reeglite kohane tulemuste protokoll peaks lähemal ajal jõudma MMi kodulehele. Olen selle versiooni juba näinud.
Medalite kohta oli peakorraldaja vastus natuke ootamatu: “We had enough for everybody, but we prefer to use them only in Open category.” Lahendus edaspidiseks saab tõesti olla selline, et esikolmikule medalite andmise kohustus kirjutatakse IRFi reeglitesse. Seni tõesti reeglites selle kohta sõnagi ei ole.
Randmepaelade probleemist said korraldajad ise ka hästi aru. Nende väide oli, et nad on varasematel Kataloonia rogainidel neid tyvekist randmepaelu korduvalt kasutanud, aga paistab, et vihm on nende rogainidel üsnagi haruldane … Lahendus oleks iseenesest olnud väga lihtne: SI pulkade kinnitamiseks oleks tulnud kasutada neid riidest randmepaelu, mis kõigile osalejatele ilma pulgata teise käe ümber seoti …